12 October 2007


Sperbs get fascinated by something then study it. The more detail we discover, the more we get infatuated with it. We get so deeply ensconsed that we simply can't imagine anybody could avoid having an interest in the topic - especially once that person learns about it. Thus, we have a tendency to spread the gospel by gushing with statistics and descriptions related to our hobby/pastime/obsession at great length to anybody with functioning ears.

Odds are about 1000 to 1 against converting anybody to your fascination by quoting facts and statistics. Odds are also about 10 to 1 in favor of that person already having an opinion regarding your chosen passion based on personal tastes and life experiences. Increasing the frequency and/or volume of the fact delivery will provide no positive effects, either.

I used to read the statistics off baseball cards out loud to my mother and sisters at ludicrous length. In hindsight, I have no idea how they avoided jackslapping me on a regular basis. I'm still a baseball nut, and the statistics still fascinate me, but I try to keep the details to myself and only share baseball discussions with confirmed baseball fans.

One reason is now that I'm an adult, baseball-averse friends can jackslap me without the risk of child abuse charges - but the whole "to each his own" principle is the overarching reason. Please share your interests, but try not to force them on people.

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