02 November 2007


Stereotypes are tempting for us Sperbs. Stereotyping allows for easily-pluggable, consistent factors to be entered into a human equation, thus allowing us to come that much closer to quantifying (our strength) variables in personal and emotional relations (our weakness). The big problem: Stereotypes are insulting, demeaning and dismissive to the individual being stereotyped.

I make it a point to avoid stereotypes - both using them and falling into them. I avoid using them because I have met too many people who are infinitely more interesting that the social stereotype of their subculture could ever give them credit. If my friends Steve or Brook or Amy can't be hammered into the round holes of their stereotypes, why would anybody else of their particular social subsets fit? I avoid falling into stereotypes because I like making people think (or re-think), and stereotypes are more "useful" for - and used by - the intellectually lazy and/or incurious than for us impatient, solution-hungry Sperbs.

How not to use them - think of everybody by their name. Remember that everybody has a family and a life history unique from all others. How not to fall into them - do things you want to do as often as the things that you have to do. Such variety will put so many spokes on your peg that no stereotyping hammer will be able to pound it through their round hole.

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